The World’s Remotest Lodge?

The island of St Helena lies in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean between Brazil and Angola. In the spring of 2023 Bro Mark Williams and WBro John Spence of Bishop Edward Story Lodge No 8256 are travelling to visit St Helena Lodge No 488. We doubt whether they have ever received a visit from Brethren of the Province of Sussex.
We will be presenting a letter describing our Province and would like to offer all Sussex Lodges the opportunity to be involved and support the Sussex 2028 Festival.
We are inviting every Lodge in Sussex to add to the letter with their Lodge logo, WM’s signature etc and perhaps a few words about your Lodge (Max one side of A4).
Email your contribution to [email protected] together with a donation of £50 (Account details on request) and your Lodge will be a part of this unique visit.
Please note all donations will be credited to your 2028 Festival Lodge target and all costs of the trip will be covered by the travelling Brethren.
We look forward to hearing from your Lodge Secretaries. Thank you for your support Brethren.